Dream Walking

Lyndon Kessler
2 min readNov 1, 2021


“Dirt Road” by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

I had a dream that told me to walk. The dream has possessed me, no instructions, just walk. I have been walking for more than five years.

I have outlived everyone I have ever known. I’m not lonely, my dream keeps me company. The dream is like my instruction manual from god. The Small-G, god. My instructions give me purpose for my life. A solitary life with purpose fills me to the core.

I walk through the world like an Old Lady, a White-Spirit wearing a cloak of invisibility.

What is my Cloak of Invisibility? I don’t know how to explain it. I believe that I am tuned more to the natural world than most humans. For example: If I enter a supermarket, nobody seems to notice me. If I initiate a contact, I can interact with people in their world. Odd, isn’t it. But that is what I continue to experience. If someone notices me, then we are attuned to each other. That seems to be the only way I can explain my Cloak.

In my walking life, I have everything I need. I wear a white, broad brimed straw hat. White shirts, white cotton pants, white socks and white comfortable walkings shoes.

I carry a small hiker’s Back-Pack. Inside my pack there is a change of clothes and shoes with dry socks. I have a simple camp stove and a canteen of water for morning tea. A simple plastic poncho to shelter me from rain. Everything I need for walking for up to three days.

I try to space my walking days to find a Youth Hostel for a day or two of rest and recovery. Hostels seem to be filled with attuned people.

I am able to exchange my labor for free nights and meals at Hostels. I help with cooking and clean up for free-night stays. Hostels have free or low cost clothes washers and dryers.

Where will my Dream Walking take me? I don’t know. What I do know for sure is, I will know when I get there.



Lyndon Kessler

I am a Vietnam Vet, my wife and I retired to Arizona December, 2013 after a lifetime living in California. I use Apple computers since 9/11.